
The affordable housing bond measure will no longer be on the November 2024 ballot. This is not a reflection of the need for affordable housing. Rather, it’s a reflection of the structural difficulties in investing in infrastructure in California. Prop 5 will reduce the supermajority needed to pass affordable housing bonds. This is an important step to investing in the future of California.

Here are more references and resources.

  • Marin Housing Bond – This is the official Marin County website for the affordable housing bond. It has dates of public meetings and a survey for giving input on the expenditure plan.
  • Yes on Measure 4 – Yes on Measure 4 is the campaign site for the affordable housing bond meausre. You can endorse the measure here, or get more information. Here’s a one pager they have on the measure.
  • Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) – BAHFA is a new regional government authority working to provide safe, affordable and stable housing for all Bay Area residents. It is the government agency overseeing the affordable housing bond measure. This authority still exists, even with the removal of the bond measure.
  • Marin Environmental Housing Collaborative (MEHC) – MEHC tracks housing policy in Marin and aggregates and updates information on the Affordable Housing Bonds Measure.

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